
Sunday, 25 December 2016

7 Websites Every Web Designer Should Make Use Of

As a web designer, I know you often find yourself in need of scripts, codes, images and lots of many tools that will be of help in your web designing process. Well, there are couple of website that are really usefully which will help you in your web design career.

Below are the list of websites which are very useful in their unique ways respectively.

Web design

Learning Web Design

1. W3schools

As a teenager growing up, you need to start with the basics. W3schools is the best place to start your web design career as they have courses like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and lots more that will guide you.

2. Smashing Magazine

This is another tutorial website for web developers. I recommend this website to advanced web designers because they have courses & tutorials beyond the basics that would obviously spice up your designs.


3. Stack Overflow

This is the largest and if not the best coding community on the web as much as I know. They virtually answer questions that has to do with web design. However, before asking any question, it's advisable you search through the site as the question could have been answered.

4. Github

If you need codes or script then this is the right place. The codes or script are shared by hardworking developers who want to make web designing easy to fellow web developers. It has proven to be a great place for scripts to lots of web developers.

Developer Playground

5. JsFiddle

Over the years, JsFiddle has been a great tool where web developers can freely test their codes. Although there are some better options like Codepen with more features but i still recommend you make use of JsFiddle for the singular reason that it is free. Moreover, it supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ajax.

6. StockSnap

When it comes to getting free photos for your web designing, I recommend you make use of these source. All the images found in stocksnap falls under CCO license which means you can copy, modify and distribute photos without permissions.

Content Styling

Css Tricks

There are bunch of websites tutorial on web design and CSS in particular. You definetly need to stick around this site if you want to end up surprising visitors with your web layout.

Other websites include, sitepoint, Dzone, CSS Zen Garden, W3C, Laravel, YouTube and others.

Did i miss any of your favourite?
Please let me know using the comment section.


  1. Nice write-ups can you teach me web design?

    1. Thanks a lot, I will teach you web design.
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  2. vary good post.https://www.outsourcingall.com/web-design-training-in-dhaka/


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