
Thursday, 26 January 2017

How To Avoid 10 Body Language Mistakes in Job Interviews

In job interviews, hiring managers judge
you on more than just how you answer their questions. They also take a close look at your body language, new research finds.

Studies and research has it that our eye contact, handshake and posture can all help, or hinder, your chances of landing a job.

managers named failing to make eye
contact as one of the biggest body-
language mistakes candidates make
during interviews, with 39 percent
saying not smiling at all is one of the
biggest blunders.
Part of the reason for body language's
importance is that most interviewers
make decisions on whether they will
consider hiring a candidate before the
candidate even has a chance to answer
multiple questions. The study found that
more than half of employers know
within the first 5 minutes of an interview
if a candidate is a good fit for a

Below are the 10 biggest body language faux pas that job seekers make during interviews.

1. Failing to make eye contact
2. Failing to smile
3. Playing with something on the table
4. Fidgeting too much in their seats
5. Crossing their arms over their chests
6. Having bad posture
7. Playing with their hair or touching their faces
8. Having a weak handshake
9. Using too many hand gestures
10. Having a handshake that was too strong

It is said body language can tell employers a lot about who you are.

In addition to poor body language,
several other behaviors can quickly
squash your chances of getting hired. Two-thirds of the hiring managers surveyed said a candidate getting caught lying is the biggest deal breaker during an interview. Another 64 percent said answering a cellphone or texting during an interview is one of the quickest ways to eliminate yourself from consideration.

Coming across as arrogant or entitled, dressing inappropriately, and appearing to lack of accountability are the other biggest interview deal breakers

How to make the most out of your job interview

Practice: Being prepared is the best way to avoid an interview disaster. I recommend practicing your interview skills ahead of time with friends or family members. When you're finished, ask them for feedback on things like posture, your handshake and eye contact.

Use video: Job seekers can gain a lot of insight into their interview performances by making videos of their practice sessions. Watching yourself can help you identify any mistakes you're making unconsciously.

Know your elevator pitch: An elevator pitch is a 30-second speech summarizing what you do and why you'd be a perfect fit for the role. Haefner said this is a good answer to the common interview question "Tell me about yourself." In addition to having your answer ready, you should also be prepared to back up your claims later with specific examples that showcase your skills and experience.

Do your homework: Take time before an interview to research the company you are interviewing with and come prepared with several questions for the interviewer. This helps you show employers that you're just as interested in them as they are in you.

Relax: Taking a few deep breaths prior to the interview can help relieve some of the anxiety that leads to fidgeting and other nervous tics.

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David Okafor

Passionate and Digital Marketer. As a geek I love to share my knowledge and ideas through this platform.

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