
Sunday, 29 January 2017

What Is The Difference Between A Programming Language And Markup Language

Difference between a markup language and programming language ?

Markup Language:
A language designed to format text. It does the transition of raw text into structured documents by using markup tags into the raw text. The text given inside the tags are structured by the browsers depending on the markup. Programming languages are compiled. But in markup language is just interpreted by the browser.
Few Markup Languages are HTML.XML,XHTML and MML

Programming language:
It is an set of instructions to the computer to perform. It is coded, compiled and interpreted before it gets executed. Some languages require compiler and some others require interpreter and the rest requires both. The source code converted into machine readable form and then executed. The computer hardware is responsible to execute an programming language and browser is needed for an markup language.
Few Programming Languages are JAVA,C++,COBOL,C++ and VB

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David Okafor

Passionate and Digital Marketer. As a geek I love to share my knowledge and ideas through this platform.

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