
Friday, 3 February 2017

How To Verify The Authenticity of Your Vehicle Plate Number

vehicle plate number

Before you put your vehicle on the road or before you proceed to any police station to obtain tinted glass permit, you have to verify the authenticity of your vehicle plate number to prevent it from being impound by our friendly police as an exhibit.

Step 1: Go to, then click on verify plate number.

Step 2: A box will appear with search under it, type your plate number in the box.

Step3: Click verify. Example: LSR841AL ( No space between the alphabets and numbers ).

After you have clicked verify, a message will be displayed in this format; Number Plate is valid and assigned to Toyota Corolla i.e if vehicle is a Toyota Corolla and it has been properly registered. If it shows "Invalid" OR "Number Plate is valid but yet to be assigned to any vehicle", it means your vehicle has not been properly registered. In this case you have to go back FRSC for proper registration.

Note: Don't give space while typing your plate number. The alphabets should be written in capital letter. The verification is only number plates with this format; ABC123AB ( Starts with three letters, followed by three number and two alphabets ) not for numbers that are like this; AB123ABC.

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David Okafor

Passionate and Digital Marketer. As a geek I love to share my knowledge and ideas through this platform.

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